No More TLC?

Ally Parker

The Learning Center is now separated into math, writing, and science labs. The TLC used to be a classroom where teachers would help assigned students with credit recovery or their homework. 

Due to Northview’s class sizes growing, that classroom space was needed and the TLC got split up into different teachers’ rooms, according to Assistant Principal Gracie Lloyd. “This was a collaborative idea from the department chairs, teachers, and administration,” Mrs. Lloyd said.

Math teachers running the math labs are there to help students with algebra I and geometry for the Ohio State Tests, according to Math Department Chair Gregory Christy. They are also there to just provide help with any other questions a student may have. 

“Some periods students are getting more help, while some periods are really being used for makeup testing within a math environment,” Mr. Christy said, “but all math lab periods are being utilized at a high level even though it’s not exactly the same through all nine periods.”

Almost all of the English teachers are helping students in the writing labs, according to Mrs. Lloyd. Students can get help with their writing and comprehension skills in these labs. 

The science department also has a science lab. These labs are offered during lunch periods. Students can make up any scientific lab that they might have missed during their time of absence.

Students can utilize these labs for extra help and to make up tests. “All labs include a testing center,” Mrs. Lloyd said. Teachers will arrange a period for a student to go down to a lab to make up their missing test score. 

“Kids can’t always stay after school to get extra help because they rely on school transportation, have jobs, and other obligations,” Mrs. Lloyd said, “this intervening program during the school day helps meet the needs of all of our students.”