Lifeguards Jump into the Deep End

Natalie Pfahl, Staff Writer

A lifeguard is an essential person to have near you at all times at the pool especially in the summer. Here at Northview, we have many students taking training to be one of those people who could potentially save your life at a pool. 

Many found the class taught by Journalism teacher Sarah Huey and Project Manager for Olander Park Dan Marksalek to be very fun. 

“I really enjoyed the class. The people who were in it made it fun and Ms. Huey is a great teacher and made the content enjoyable,” sophomore Allison Dubeansky said.

The class was both online and in person and was very beneficial to everyone. They learned lots about CPR, the different injuries that may occur in and around water, and the safe way to save lives in water, infant care, etc. It may not be a super easy class but the lessons you learn and the skills you obtain are quite valuable. 

“Even if you don’t plan on being a lifeguard, definitely take the class because you learn a lot during the class,” junior Will Boyer said.

“It was a beneficial class because it gave me a lot of knowledge that I wouldn’t have known otherwise and it gave me an opportunity to make money,” sophomore Riley Berends said. 

This lifeguarding class is not only a fun experience for those planning on becoming a lifeguard, but a beneficial class to learn lots of life long skills.