The season for AP testing has arrived. Beginning May 5, NV students started taking AP tests. The tests run through May 22, and the exams for U.S. History, English Language and Compostion, and Spanish Language were moved back to later dates. AP testing can be a source of anxiety for many, and here are The Student Prints’ Top 10 Testing Tips.
AP Testing 101
- Bring several No. 2 pencils with good erasers
- Make sure you have your Student ID with you
- If applicable, bring an AP approved calculator
- Don’t bring electronics, and keep cell phones and other devices silent
- Eat a healthy dinner the night before, and a healthy breakfast the morning of your test
- The night before is not time to cram, have a laid back evening and get plenty of sleep
- Use your time wisely during the test, don’t waste time on one problem
- Be sure to read the questions carefully to understand them
- Dress comfortably, and wear layers in case it gets too hot or cold
- Don’t get too stressed about the test, you’ll do better if you are relaxed
– Nazihah Bhatti, Staff Writer