Project Unify kicks off Final Event

Isabella Elmore, Staff Writer

Project Unify is finishing up for the year with its final event. It is a program where students with and without disabilities play together. Through these experiences, students get to discover new strengths, abilities, and skills with the help of their peers. 

“I like watching the peers starting to understand and make relationships with the students with disabilities. I also like the students with disabilities trying and learning something that they like that they haven’t experienced before,” Project Unify Director Jessica Weisenburger said. 

The kids find joy and confidence on the field but carry it over into life. The program includes students with disabilities, their families, the coaches, and volunteers. 

On May 15, the students from Sylvania Schools participated in kickball. Over 40 students and volunteers participated. All their families also came to support them. “Every year we try to grow either on how many events we offer or making them more exciting or accessible to everybody,” Mrs. Weisenburger said. 

There were two teams, the blue and white teams. They had all the kids kick from the blue team while the white team was on the field. When all the kids kicked the ball from one team, they switched positions. It went on for about three innings. This program is not about winning but having fun; therefore, the score wasn’t kept, everyone’s a winner. 

“[My favorite part is] helping the kids out and seeing their happy faces,” junior Sabra Richards said.