Lucas County Commissioner, Carol Contrada, spoke to the Leadership Academy for one of their monthly leadership lunches on September 26. She is a practicing attorney and a graduate of what was formerly known as Sylvania High School, which is present day Northview.
After graduating as valedictorian from Sylvania High School, she continued her education at Denison University. She left high school with the intent of becoming a writer and knowing that she would never want to be a lawyer or hold public office. Interestingly enough, those are the two careers she ended up in. She ran for public office several times and was a Sylvania Township trustee.
She focused her speech on the lessons that she learned along her way to success and the advice she had to share.
“The first sign of success is trying new things and being brave and having the curiosity to see what different things are all about,” Contrada said.
She encouraged those attending to believe in the big ideas and never assume you are incapable of something. Contrada emphasized how the possibilities are endless when it comes to all the things you can accomplish.
Contrada spoke about how literature and history were really big inspirations in her life and how there are so many different things for us to be inspired by. Some books that really inspired her include To Kill a Mockingbird and Silent Spring by Rachel Carson.
She used one of her favorite quotes from Shakespeare in her speech “…be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ’em,” as her main idea.
Contrada said that “each time you see something that needs to be done, you do it.” She encouraged those attending to learn from experts and respect their work and learn as much as you can about everything and never stop. “I learned a lot about what it means to be an effective leader from Mrs. Contrada. She really inspired me to want to do more things outside of my comfort zone,” senior Courtney Kross said.