The PSATs were taken October 14 in the gym and auxiliary gym by students of all grade levels. Many students took this test in order to prepare for the SAT, an aptitude test designed to help colleges decide whether or not they want to accept certain students to their schools.
It is important to do well on the PSAT because the actual test largely decides student’s academic futures, and this is a major step in order to prepare for college. But what was the test like, and why should students take it?
“The test was very long and extremely boring,” sophomore Gabe Westin said.
“(The test was) extremely tedious, especially the reading part, after the second story it was kinda hard to concentrate,” senior Blake Oates said.
Westin also said that his least favorite section of the test was English. “To me, English is a very subjective subject in school, there are so many different opinions and ideas when it comes to English, and it’s frustrating because on the test they grade you on correctness,” he said.
“Overall it gives you a good idea of what the SAT and other tests like it are about, there’s really no other way to actually know what to study for,” Oates said.
Preparing for the test isn’t very difficult, according to Westin. “All you have to do is read the packet that they hand out to you, it makes things a lot simpler,” he said.
David Henry, Staff Writer